Successful Manager Traits – Are you aspiring to become a successful manager who inspires and motivates your team? Look no further! In this article, we will unveil seven proven strategies that will not only help you climb the ladder of success but also foster a positive, productive work environment. As a manager, it’s essential to lead by example and cultivate strong leadership skills. Our expert-guided tips will show you how to effectively communicate your expectations, provide constructive feedback, and empower your team members, all while maintaining a cohesive and motivated group dynamic. Additionally, we’ll delve into the power of active listening and empathy, demonstrating how these qualities can foster trust and collaboration within your team. Embracing change and nurturing a growth mindset are paramount, ensuring you stay ahead of challenges and inspire your team to do the same. Whether you are a seasoned manager looking to enhance your leadership style or an aspiring leader ready to make your mark, these strategies will equip you with the tools needed to achieve success. So, let’s dive in and unlock your potential as a manager who not only leads, but inspires.

It’s a big step for a small business owner to hire a manager, to hand over and trust certain tasks to someone else. In doing so, it’s important, even in bigger corporations, to look for those with certain traits and talents that lead to a successful manager.
We’ve all had an experience with a bad manager: whether it’s someone who is controlling, one who takes more than their fair share of the credit, or who cares more about their own ultimate success than the success of the team. Whether you’re a big company in search of a new successful manager, or a small business owner taking the exciting step of bringing in someone new to help you oversee the big picture, hiring someone for a management position can be challenging and even a little scary. So what should you look for, and how will you know whether you’re talking to a leader or a micromanager? Here’s what you need to know:
Successful Manager Traits – Recognize different management styles:
While bad managers tend to be bad in similar ways, successful manager are often good in different ways, and for different reasons. Even if you think you’re looking for someone who’s extroverted and inspirational, don’t dismiss a quiet, reflective introvert or a methodical, ultra-organized type right off the bat. Look for somebody who has principles and high standards for their work and behavior, instead of focusing too much on their style.
Successful Manager Traits – Ask for stories:
Questions like “what’s your greatest weakness” encourage candidates to be less than honest to avoid looking terrible in front of the person who’s doing the hiring. Get better information by asking interviewees to share a story about a time they had to break some difficult news to somebody, or a time they had to deal with an interpersonal conflict. These stories will help you to see how the candidate thinks, what her priorities are, and how she might grapple with a real-life scenario, that’s not so black and white.
What traits should you look for in a successful manager?:
- Humility: Does the candidate recognize others’ contributions to his or her success, or take all the credit for him/herself? Are they willing to say “I don’t know,” or do they pretend to have all the answers?
- Sacrifice: Is the candidate willing to be flexible and give of their time or resources, even when it’s not easy or convenient?
- Self-reflection: When something goes wrong, a strong leader looks to themselves first. Do they admit where they were at fault, and can they see where they could have done things differently before moving to criticize or correct others?
- Detachment: A leader should be caring, but not so emotionally involved that they can’t make effective decisions.
- Trust: A good manager knows how to delegate, and how to leave room for others to either make mistakes, or rise to the occasion.
- Honesty: Can they be honest, even when it’s hard or unflattering to themselves?
- Humor: Look for someone who is serious about the work, but not overly serious about themselves.
Leaders are made, not born:
Working with others is tough, even for somebody who has a knack for it. If you find a good external candidate or decide to promote somebody from within your company, don’t expect them to have it all down right away. Train them with successful manager traits, allow them to make mistakes, and stick with them if they’re growing and making progress.