Fun Projects for Kids

Here are some fun activities to share with your kids this summer!
Fun Projects for Kids
Bookcase Dollhouse
Transform a bookcase into a dollhouse using little more than some wrapping paper and cardboard. Just apply the paper to the walls with double-sided tape and cut decorative elements like rugs, doors, and pictures out of the cardboard. Add some dollhouse furniture and get ready to move in.
Tire Swing
Provided you have a tall tree, you can turn your backyard into an amusement park with relatively little effort. Gather together some simple hardware, a rope, or chain, and a tire that needs recycling. Make the swing even more fun by painting colorful polka dots on the tire.
Chalkboard Table
Give any small table a fresh new look—and a second life—with a coat of chalkboard paint. Simply apply a coat with a brush or spray can, gather some chalk, and let the nonstop creativity ensue. Bring the fun indoors by painting a bedroom wall with the same paint.
Play Kitchen
With a little ingenuity, you can turn an old cabinet, entertainment center, or dresser into a play kitchen. Create a fun backsplash, and add a shelf, towel rack, and drawer pulls, and your burgeoning chef will feel right at home.
Fort Kit
Assemble all the ingredients for a DIY fort in one neat package. Great building materials include bedsheets, clamps, flashlight, rope, clothespins, and suction cups. Warning: As construction gets under way, prepare to relinquish your couch cushions!
Recycle your broken crayons into brand-new ones. Just peel the wrappers off and break the crayons into small pieces. Put them in a muffin tin and bake in a low oven until they’ve melted. Let them cool and pop them out for a rainbow of coloring fun.
Superhero Capes
If you can cut and glue, you can make a superhero cape. Just cut out the cape from felt and add iron-on Velcro at the neck for a closure. Glue some felt designs on the back, and voilà! Instant awesomeness. While you’re at it, make one for yourself, Super Mom!
Blend together water, dish soap, and glycerin for a homemade bubble mix that will make your kids pop with joy. Twist shapes into the ends of a few pipe cleaners, and you’ll have some quick wands to go with the bubble juice. Bubble armageddon is close at hand!