Insurance Brokers of America in Murfreesboro TN

AmeriAgency is one of the Leading Insurance Brokers of America in Murfreesboro TN
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repost from wikipedia
Insurance broker became a regulated term under the Insurance Brokers (Registration) Act 1977[2] which was designed to thwart the bogus practices of firms holding themselves as brokers but in fact acting as representative of one or more favoured insurance companies. The term now has no legal definition following the repeal of the 1977 Act. The sale of general insurance was regulated by the Financial Services Authority from 14 January 2005 until 31 March 2013 and by the Financial Conduct Authority since 1 April 2013. Any person or firm authorized by the Authority can now call themselves an insurance broker.
Insurance brokerage is largely associated with general insurance (car, house etc.) rather than life insurance, although some brokers continued to provide investment and life insurance brokerage until the onset of more onerous regulation in 2001. This drove a more transparent regime based predominantly on up front negotiation of a fee for the provision of advice and/or services. This saw the splitting of intermediaries into two groups: general insurance intermediaries/brokers and independent financial advisers (IFAs) for life insurance, investments and pensions.
General insurance brokering is carried out today by many types of authorized organisations including traditional high street brokers and telephone or web-based firms.
In the United States
Accidents will happen(William H. Watson, 1922) is a slapstick silent film about the methods and mishaps of an American insurance broker. Collection EYE Film Institute Netherlands.
In the United States, insurance brokers are regulated by the individual U.S. states. Most states require anyone who sells, solicits, or negotiates insurance in that state to obtain an insurance broker license, with certain limited exceptions. This includes a business entity, the business entity’s officers or directors (the “sublicensees” through whom the business entity operates), and individual employees. In order to obtain a broker’s license, a person typically must take pre-licensing courses and pass an examination. An insurance broker also must submit an application (with an application fee) to the state insurance regulator in the state in which the applicant wishes to do business, who will determine whether the insurance broker has met all the state requirements and will typically do a background check to determine whether the applicant is considered trustworthy and competent. A criminal conviction, for example, may result in a state determining that the applicant is untrustworthy or incompetent. Some states also require applicants to submit fingerprints.
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Call AmeriAgency at 888-851-5572 to start saving up to 27% on auto, home and business insurance.
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