Insurance Products -Auto – Full Coverage

Despite the popularity of the term, there is no policy called “full coverage auto insurance.” When lenders use this term, they typically are referring to building a dependable auto insurance package that provides coverage for a variety of different circumstances.

Nationwide car insurance can cover you for accidents involving other vehicles, vandalism, weather, animals, bodily injuries and more. Our policies are customizable – you can choose the auto insurance policies that suit your lifestyle. You can have peace of mind knowing Nationwide will provide you and your car with great protection on and off the road.

Insurance Products – Personal auto coverages

These coverages help protect you, your passengers, or other people on the road in the event of an accident.

Bodily injury liability

If you cause an accident and someone is injured, this coverage can help pay their medical bills and loss of income.

Property damage liability

If you cause an accident, this coverage helps pay for damages to another person’s vehicle or property.

Personal injury protection

Learn about PIP coverage and how it may keep you covered in the event of an accident.

Uninsured motorist

Helps protect you and your vehicle from uninsured drivers and hit-and-run accidents.

Underinsured motorist

Helps protect you from drivers who do not have enough insurance to cover the costs of an accident.

Medical payments

Also known as med pay, helps pay medical costs for you and your passengers in the event of a covered auto accident.

Insurance Products – Vehicle coverages

These coverages help you with repairing any damage done to your vehicle or another driver’s, as well as providing additional resources if you can no longer use your own car.


Regardless of who’s at fault, collision can pay for damage to your vehicle if you hit another vehicle or object, another vehicle hits you, or your vehicle rolls over.


Also known as “other than collision,” this coverage can help pay for damage to your vehicle from vandalism, theft, weather events and accidents involving animals.

Towing and labor coverage

This coverage can help when your car is stuck, broken down or inoperable due to an accident.

Insurance Products – Home insurance

Nationally, home insurance from AmeriAgency provides coverage against fire, wind, theft, and other covered events. Many local areas will also require homeowners to purchase supplemental flood insurance.

Yet, expanded hazard coverage is only type of additional policy coverage. You can get a range of strengthened insurance protections for your dwelling, contents and homeowner liability. Moreover, home values have rebounded considerably the last few years, especially many urban neighborhoods.