Liquor Store Insurance Murfreesboro – Liquor Store Murfreesboro

Owning a liquor store presents a unique set of risks. Every time alcohol is involved, things seem to rise to a different level. That’s why it’s important to work with a risk management partner like Berkshire Insurance Group, who has the experience and knowledge to help you create a comprehensive risk management program. Is your liquor store Murfreesboro or Knoxville?
We take a holistic look at your business and make recommendations. We look at your past claims and your current situation to determine both risk mitigation strategies and a comprehensive insurance program to help cover you in the event of a claim. Your situation is unique, and we want to make sure you have the right coverage at the right price to protect you and your business.
Save Up to 27% With AmeriAgency. With More Than 20 Years of Experience, We’re Sure We Can Help!
Does your current program provide risk management or just insurance?
Are you sure your current plan will cover it if you:
- Selling Alcohol to a Minor
- Selling to an intoxicated customer
- Use your personal vehicle for company business
- Have employees steal from you
- Selling contaminated products
- Having a customer who slips and falls leaving their business
We offer a wide range of insurance products to ensure that you are covered for these and many other situations, including:
- General Liability – A general liability insurance policy protects your company from a number of possible accidents, dangers and disasters. For example, if a sign falls from your building and damages a customer or your vehicle, or if a bottle of alcohol falls and a customer is injured. A general liability policy is designed to cover medical expenses or pay for repairs.
Equipment breakdown – Equipment such as your refrigerators, point-of-sale systems and computers are critical to the success of your ongoing business operations. Replacing and repairing these items can be very expensive if they break. - Buildings and Contents – In addition to the people portion of your business, the physical portion of your business, including your building and inventory, are critical to your ability to manage your business. If a fire devastates your property or if a storm causes a major roof leak that ruins your building and inventory, this coverage is designed to protect you.
- Additional business income and expenses – Major disasters and emergencies can shut down your business for an extended period of time until repairs are made or inventory is replaced. Not only do you lose revenue, but you’ll also have additional expenses to get things back on track. This coverage provides the funds you need to get back on track.
- Electronic Data – Protecting your electronic files and records, including data breaches.
Valuable Document Protection – Provides coverage for the cost of replacing the license and regulatory paperwork, in addition to the paperwork required of providers in the event they are lost or damaged. - Employee Dishonesty Coverage – Provides coverage, for example, if an employee commits dishonest acts such as stealing from the cash register, giving free products to friends, or using company assets without authorization.
All-in-One Business Owner Policies – You may consider a Business Owner Policy, often referred to as a “BOP. You can combine the above coverage into a single policy with comprehensive coverage.
In addition to the above coverage – other insurance for your business includes:
- Workers’ Compensation – Legally you must cover your employees with workers’ compensation insurance. This pays your medical bills and related expenses if you are ever injured while on the job.
- Surety Bond – Local laws and ordinances may require your liquor store to post a bond. A bond is a guarantee. It can guarantee that you will provide specific services, or that you have sufficient guarantees to operate your business, or that you will pay your local business taxes properly.
Save Up to 27% in Liquor Store Insurance Murfreesboro With AmeriAgency. With More Than 20 Years of Experience, We’re Sure We Can Help!
For more information, call us at 1-888-851-5572. If you would like to receive a fast and free quote, visit us on our webpage!