Mexican Auto Insurance

Mexican Auto Insurance
Heading south of the border? There’s a fair chance U.S. car insurance won’t ride along with you. Luckily, you can secure top-notch coverage, which includes liability, legal assistance, roadside assistance, and much more.
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Much like here in the U.S., Mexican law requires you to purchase liability insurance from a licensed Mexican insurer in order to legally drive there.
Click Here Now Or Call AmeriAgency At 888-851-5572 To Start Saving Up To 27% On Auto Insurance
And while that may sound a bit daunting, can you find long-term or short-term coverage options that are right for you, at a price you can afford?
A typical Mexican auto insurance policy might include:
- Liability limits of up to $500,000
- Property damage and theft coverage
- Guaranteed legal and bond assistance, which assists you with the cost of legal assistance in certain covered situations
- The option to repair your vehicle in Mexico or the U.S.
- Fixed deductibles
- Uninsured motorist coverage
- Gap coverage
- Medical expense payments
- Roadside assistance
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How much Mexican auto insurance protection do you need?
The most important coverage to secure is personal liability protection — which, again, is required to legally drive in Mexico.
If a driver doesn’t have liability coverage, and is held responsible for damages or injuries following an accident, they could be detained by Mexican authorities until they can prove their ability to cover the costs.
What you need to get a Mexico auto insurance policy
It’s helpful to have the following details at your fingertips before getting your quote:
- Dates you’ll be traveling in Mexico
- Where in Mexico you’ll be traveling
- Make, model, year, and current market value for the vehicle
- Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
- License plate number
- U.S. insurance policy number
- Enjoy your Mexican auto insurance
Click Here Now Or Call AmeriAgency At 888-851-5572 To Start Saving Up To 27% On Auto Insurance