Pick An Insurance Agency Or A Company
An agent can help you understand the different insurance terms and coverages. Independent agents can help you compare prices from multiple insurance companies to help you find the best deal. Captive agents are very experienced and knowledgeable about the company they represent.

There are a few ways you can buy insurance. You can go through an agent or buy directly from the company. Which way is better? It largely depends on your needs and wants in an insurance buying experience, but there are positive and negative aspects to both.
Here are the pros and cons of buying insurance through an agent and buying direct to help you decide which option is best for you.
Buying insurance direct
If you find that you don’t need the help from an agent, you can buy insurance directly from the company. This is often the fastest way to get coverage. It avoids having to go through an agent and wait for responses and quotes to come back. Instead, you can get the quotes yourself, compare them and choose the best one on your own.
Just like buying insurance through an agent, there are also pros and cons to buying insurance directly from the company.
Pick An Insurance Agency Or A Company?
Pros to buying insurance directly from the company
Buying insurance directly from the company has its benefits. Some pros to buying insurance direct are:
- Buying insurance directly from the company is a fast and easy way to get coverage.
- Going direct avoids the back and forth that you have if you go through an agent.
- It’s convenient to buy insurance directly from the company, and most of the time it can be done online.
- You may pay less for a policy if you buy direct rather than using an agent.
- You have more control over which companies you get a quote from.
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