Fruits and Veggies
Farmers Market Farmers Market season is here, and with it a window of opportunity to get the freshest, tastiest produce of the entire year. Here’s how to take advantage of this golden opportunity to improve your health, support your neighbors, and expand your culinary horizons (and why you should): Benefits of a plant-based diet: There […]
Food Trends in 2023: Great Food and Fitness Tips
6 Health, Food & Fitness Trends in 2023 2022 was the year of bulletproof coffee, health tracking apps and devices, probiotics, mindfulness, golden lattes, Korean beauty products, and fancy sauerkraut. So what wild, innovative, strange, and fun things will we be doing, buying and consuming to stay fit, strong, and healthy in 2018? Click here […]
Teen Dating
Teen Dating & Relationships When it comes to the high school years, that’s when these feelings tend to bloom. Do you have teenagers who are starting to date? What are some steps you can take to educate them on dating safely? What kinds of rules should you set as a parent? These are common questions […]
Successful Manager Traits: Secrets of a Successful Manager
Successful Manager Traits – Are you aspiring to become a successful manager who inspires and motivates your team? Look no further! In this article, we will unveil seven proven strategies that will not only help you climb the ladder of success but also foster a positive, productive work environment. As a manager, it’s essential to […]
Ways to Stress Less
Ways to Stress Less Stress is the body’s natural response to a wide variety of pressures and demands. These can include normal, everyday stressors like workplace drama, relationship or money issues as well as major life events, like a death in the family, the loss of a job, or the diagnosis of a major illness. […]
Youth Sports and Kid Concussions
Youth Sports and Kid Concussions We all know the benefits of participating in youth sports: they provide exercise, enjoyment, and a sense of belonging, while teaching valuable lessons about teamwork, disappointment and persistence, among other things. Nowadays, however, it’s hard to ignore the research on youth sports and kid concussions, and the fact that participating […]
Employee Reviews – Best Practices
Annual Employee Reviews Many employers take the time and effort to follow through with employee reviews, while others let this annual tradition slide. Annual performance reviews can be excruciating, productive, or somewhere in between. So what makes the difference? What makes an annual review effective, and how can both employers and employees can prepare to […]
Get Road-Trip Ready: The Ultimate Checklist
You still have time for a road-trip. Summer is not over yet. Time to start daydreaming about driving off into the sunset. Despite fluctuating gas prices, taking a road trip is still one of the most affordable ways to vacation, see the country, and bond with family or friends. Whether you’re planning a destination trip […]
Aetna Choose a Doctor: Ultimate Guide on How to Choose

Aetna Choose a Doctor – Are you struggling to find the perfect doctor who accepts Aetna insurance? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of choosing the ideal doctor that meets your healthcare needs while being in-network with Aetna. At Aetna, we understand the importance of finding a […]
Charitable Giving is Good Business
: A Win-Win for Your Businesses For a business owner who’s trying to grow a profit, donating money or employee time to charity may seem counter-intuitive. Get free employees with an internship. But it’s not a coincidence that some of the most successful organizations out there (think Apple, Amazon, Walmart, etc.) are also some of […]