Unum, the premier employee group benefits carrier, is dedicated to providing comprehensive insurance solutions to employers and their workforce. With over 170 years of industry experience, Unum has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses of all sizes. Combining innovative products, excellent customer service, and unparalleled expertise, Unum ensures that employees and their families are protected in times of need.

As a leading provider of group disability, life, and supplemental health insurance, Unum understands the unique challenges faced by employers and employees alike. Their customizable benefit plans allow employers to design coverage that aligns with their specific needs and budget, while empowering employees to choose the options that best suit their individual circumstances.

Unum’s commitment to delivering value extends beyond insurance coverage. They provide resources and tools to help employers manage their benefits programs efficiently, enhance employee well-being, and navigate complex regulatory landscapes.

Whether a small business or a Fortune 500 company, Unum stands ready to assist employers in creating a benefits package that attracts top talent, promotes employee retention, and ultimately contributes to the overall success of the organization. Trust Unum to be your partner in offering valuable protection and peace of mind to your workforce.

Why choose Unum for your employee group benefits?

When it comes to choosing an employee group benefits carrier, Unum stands out for several reasons. First and foremost, their commitment to customer satisfaction is unparalleled. Unum understands that each business has unique needs, and they go above and beyond to tailor their offerings to meet those specific requirements. Whether it’s designing a benefit plan that aligns with a company’s budget or providing personalized support throughout the entire process, Unum is dedicated to delivering exceptional service.

In addition to their customized approach, Unum offers a wide range of employee group benefits, including disability insurance, life insurance, and supplemental health insurance. This comprehensive suite of offerings ensures that employees have access to the coverage they need to protect themselves and their loved ones. From short-term disability insurance that provides income replacement during a temporary disability to long-term disability insurance that offers financial stability in the event of a permanent disability, Unum has the solutions to meet every need.

The importance of employee group benefits in today’s competitive job market

In today’s competitive job market, offering attractive employee group benefits is crucial for businesses looking to attract and retain top talent. Employees are increasingly looking beyond salary when considering job opportunities, and comprehensive benefits packages can make all the difference. By partnering with Unum, employers can enhance their value proposition and stand out from the competition.

Employee group benefits not only provide financial security for employees but also contribute to their overall well-being. With rising healthcare costs and the unpredictability of life, having access to reliable insurance coverage gives employees peace of mind. Whether it’s protecting their income in the event of a disability or ensuring their loved ones are taken care of in the event of their passing, employee group benefits offer a safety net that cannot be understated.

Types of employee group benefits offered

Unum offers a wide range of employee group benefits to meet the diverse needs of businesses and their employees. One of the key offerings is disability insurance, which provides income replacement in the event of an illness or injury that prevents an employee from working. Unum’s disability insurance plans are customizable, allowing employers to design coverage that aligns with their specific needs and budget. This flexibility ensures that employees have access to the support they need when they need it most.

In addition to disability insurance, Unum also provides life insurance coverage. Life insurance is a critical component of any comprehensive benefits package, as it ensures that employees’ loved ones are financially protected in the event of their passing. Unum’s life insurance plans offer flexible coverage options, allowing employees to choose the level of protection that best suits their individual circumstances. Whether it’s term life insurance for a specific period or permanent life insurance that provides lifelong coverage, Unum has the solutions to meet every need.

Understanding the value of disability insurance in employee benefits packages

Disability insurance is often an overlooked aspect of employee benefits packages, but its value cannot be overstated. According to the Social Security Administration, 1 in 4 workers will experience a disability before reaching retirement age. In the face of such statistics, having disability insurance coverage becomes crucial for both employees and employers.

Unum’s disability insurance plans offer income replacement for employees who are unable to work due to illness or injury. This ensures that employees can maintain their financial stability and meet their daily expenses, even when they are unable to earn an income. Disability insurance acts as a safety net, providing employees with the peace of mind that they can focus on their recovery without worrying about their financial obligations.

How Unum supports the financial well-being of employees through life insurance

Life insurance is another essential component of employee benefits packages, and Unum offers a range of options to meet the diverse needs of employees. Life insurance provides a financial safety net for employees’ loved ones in the event of their passing, ensuring that they are protected and supported during a difficult time.

Unum’s life insurance plans offer flexible coverage options, allowing employees to choose the level of protection that aligns with their needs and circumstances. Whether it’s term life insurance for a specific period or permanent life insurance that provides lifelong coverage, Unum has the solutions to meet every need. By offering life insurance as part of their benefits package, employers demonstrate their commitment to the financial well-being of their employees and their families.

The role of Unum in providing critical illness coverage for employees

In addition to disability insurance and life insurance, Unum also provides critical illness coverage as part of their employee group benefits offerings. Critical illness coverage is designed to provide financial support to employees who are diagnosed with a serious illness, such as cancer, heart disease, or stroke.

Unum’s critical illness coverage offers a lump-sum payment to employees upon diagnosis of a covered condition. This payment can be used to cover medical expenses, seek specialized treatment, or even make necessary lifestyle adjustments. By providing critical illness coverage, Unum ensures that employees have the financial resources they need to focus on their recovery and well-being without the added stress of financial burden. Click here for 10 ways to keep great employees.

Unum’s commitment to wellness programs and its impact on employee health

Unum understands that employee well-being goes beyond insurance coverage. That’s why they are committed to offering comprehensive wellness programs that promote a healthy lifestyle and support employees in achieving their wellness goals.

Unum’s wellness programs are designed to address the unique needs of employees and provide them with the resources and support they need to lead healthy lives. From fitness challenges and nutrition programs to mental health resources and stress management techniques, Unum’s wellness programs are tailored to empower employees to prioritize their health and well-being.

By investing in wellness programs, employers not only contribute to the overall health of their employees but also benefit from increased productivity, reduced healthcare costs, and improved employee satisfaction. Unum’s commitment to wellness extends beyond insurance coverage, making them a premier choice for employee group benefits.

Testimonials from businesses that have partnered with Unum for their employee group benefits

“Partnering with Unum for our employee group benefits has been a game-changer. Their customizable benefit plans have allowed us to design coverage that meets the unique needs of our employees while staying within our budget. The level of support and expertise they provide throughout the entire process is truly exceptional.” – John Smith, CEO of ABC Company

“We have been working with Unum for several years now, and their disability insurance has been invaluable for our employees. Knowing that they have financial protection in the event of an illness or injury gives them peace of mind and allows them to focus on their recovery. Unum has been a trusted partner in supporting the financial well-being of our workforce.” – Sarah Johnson, HR Manager at XYZ Corporation


Unum’s dedication to delivering value goes beyond insurance coverage. With their customizable benefit plans, comprehensive suite of offerings, and commitment to customer satisfaction, Unum ensures that employers can create a benefits package that attracts top talent, promotes employee retention, and contributes to the overall success of the organization.

By partnering with Unum, businesses can provide their employees with the protection and peace of mind they deserve. From disability insurance that offers income replacement during times of disability to life insurance that ensures loved ones are taken care of, Unum’s employee group benefits are designed to meet the diverse needs of employees and their families.

In today’s competitive job market, offering attractive employee group benefits is crucial for businesses looking to stand out and attract top talent. Unum is the premier choice for employee group benefits, offering innovative products, excellent customer service, and unparalleled expertise. Trust Unum to be your partner in offering valuable protection and peace of mind to your workforce.

With Unum, employers can rest assured that their employees are well taken care of in times of need, allowing them to focus on what they do best – building a successful and thriving organization.