Auto Insurance

Graham Nationwide Insurance: Contact Them Now

Graham Nationwide Insurance – Navigating the complex world of insurance can be overwhelming, but with the right insights, selecting policies that align with your unique needs becomes an empowering journey. In this comprehensive review, we delve deep into the intricacies of insurance, arming you with insider knowledge to make informed decisions. From life and health to property and auto, we uncover the policies that work for you, providing clarity amidst the sea of options. With a focus on transparency and accessibility, we decode the often-confusing jargon, shedding light on the fine print to ensure you understand what you’re investing in. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or looking to optimize your existing coverage, our goal is to empower you with the knowledge to secure the best possible protection for yourself, your loved ones, and your assets. Join us on this journey as we demystify insurance, bringing you expert insights and real-world experiences to guide you towards making confident and well-informed insurance decisions.

Graham Nationwide Insurance is now AmeriAgency

AmeriAgency purchased Graham Insurance in 2014 in East Nashville, TN.  It operated as Graham Nationwide Insurance and has now transitioned to AmeriAgency Insurance.  AmeriAgency located at 1080 E Trinity Lane is in the heart of East Nashville.  AmeriAgency continues to offer Nationwide Insurance products along with access to many other carriers.  AmeriAgency is a national agency located in Middle Tennessee.  Gives you national buying power with a local footprint.  AmeriAgency is like Kayak for insurance.  You give us your information once, and we deliver multiple quotes to you.  Easy policy issue in person, online or over the phone.

 Call AmeriAgency Now At 888-851-5572 To Start Saving Up To 27% on Auto, Home and Business Insurance 

Below are some products you can purchase from Graham Nationwide Insurance now AmeriAgency Insurance:

Property Insurance

Property insurance is relatively simple to define. It includes many types of insurance designed to cover property losses—the risks that we will suffer financial losses because things we own are damaged or destroyed.

There are three basic types of property loss:

  • Loss of or damage to the article itself: Examples of this type of loss are the theft of a valuable painting or damage to an automobile caused by an accident.
  • Loss of income from the use of the article: For example, suppose a hotel burns to the ground. In the year required to rebuild, the hotel loses more than $2 million in room rentals. This loss of income that arises from the damage to the hotel is a type of property loss.
  • The extra expense incurred due to the loss of the article: Suppose a large fire destroys a city newspaper building. To continue publishing, its owners rent another press at one-third additional cost. The extra expenses required to remain in business following a loss is a type of property loss.

Some types of insurance generally considered to be property insurance from Graham Nationwide Insurance include the following:

  • Dwelling
  • Homeowners
  • Commercial property
  • Crime
  • Equipment breakdown protection (also known as boiler and machinery)
  • Inland marine
  • Ocean marine

 Call AmeriAgency Now At 888-851-5572 To Start Saving Up To 27% on Auto, Home and Business Insurance 

Graham Nationwide Insurance now AmeriAgency Insurance is located at

1080 E Trinity Lane

Nashville, TN 37216

Graham Nationwide Insurance – Casualty Insurance

Casualty insurance is more difficult to define because it includes a wide variety of basically unrelated insurance products.

One of the most important types of casualty insurance is liability insuranceLiability losses are losses that occur as a result of the insured’s interactions with others or their property. Probably the best example of this would be an auto accident. Let’s say Arthur is backing out of his driveway and hits Beatrice’s parked car, resulting in $600 of damage. Because Arthur was at fault, he is legally responsible, or liable, for those damages, and he must pay to have Beatrice’s car repaired. Liability insurance would protect Arthur from having to pay for those damages out of his own pocket.

To be legally liable, the individual must generally be guilty of negligence—the failure to use proper care in personal actions. If negligence results in harm to another, the individual is liable for the resulting damages.

People in the insurance industry often call liability losses third-party losses.

The insured is the first party. The insurance company is the second party. The person to whom the insured is liable for damages is the third party.

Graham Nationwide Insurance recommends you purchase property insurance to protect yourself from financial loss if your property is damaged, you can purchase liability insurance to protect yourself from financial loss if you become legally liable for injury to another or damage to another’s property.

Although insurance for liability risks is an important casualty coverage, there are many other types of insurance that have traditionally been considered casualty insurance. Casualty insurance can also include the following types of insurance:

  • Aviation
  • Auto
  • Workers’ compensation
  • Surety bonds

 Call AmeriAgency Now At 888-851-5572 To Start Saving Up To 27% on Auto, Home and Business Insurance 

Graham Nationwide Insurance now AmeriAgency Insurance is located at

1080 E Trinity Lane

Nashville, TN 37216

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