Travel For Work – Tips for Effective Work Travel
Travel for work Do you have employees who travel for work, or do you travel for work often? If so, you may know the ins-and-outs. Here are some considerations for business travel that you can pass along to those employees who hit the road regularly. Click here for safe driving tips. Get in the fast […]
Traits of a Successful Manager
Traits of a Successful Manager It’s a tricky for a small business owner to hire a successful manager, to hand over and trust certain tasks to someone else. In doing so, it’s important, even in bigger corporations, to look for those with certain traits and talents. We’ve all had an experience with a bad manager: […]
The Weather is Changing, And So Is the Time: Safety Tips for September/October
The Weather is Changing, And So Is the Time: Insurance Safety Tips for October/September As winter starts to set in most of us will be spending more time indoors. Now is a good time to review this checklist for safety, comfort, and savings. Around your home… Make sure your fireplace and chimney have been cleaned […]
Empty Nesters: Insurance to Protect Your Nest
Empty Nesters – Are you experiencing the bittersweet emptiness that comes with your kids leaving the nest? Well, it’s time to embrace it, because this new chapter of your life is about rediscovering yourself and building an exciting future. This article will guide you through the journey of transitioning from a full house to an […]
Water Back Up
Water Back Up: Prevention and Protection There are a number of preventative measures you can take to avoid water back up damage and minimize the amount of damage should it occur. But a significant amount of water back up incidents may not be preventable. For example, Colorado Springs Utilities estimates that water back up damages […]
Lower Your Homeowner Premiums
Lower Your Homeowners Premium 6 tips to lower your homeowners premium: Insure your home adequately, but don’t overdo it. You want to be sure your homeowner insurance limits are sufficient to replace your home, but it is not necessary to insure the value of your land. It is worthwhile to have your home’s replacement cost […]
Texas Motorcycle Insurance Basics
Texas Motorcycle Insurance Basics The open road is calling. Whether you’re a recreational motorcyclist or a serious cross-country rider, be sure you have the right insurance to meet your needs and to protect yourself on the road. You need to know the motorcycle insurance basics. Continue reading about Texas motorcycle insurance basics. In most (but […]
Road-Trip Ready
Road-Trip Ready Summer is almost gone, time for a few more road-trips? Time to get your car road-trip ready. Start daydreaming about driving off into the sunset… Despite fluctuating gas prices, taking a road trip is still one of the most affordable ways to vacation, see the country, and bond with family or friends. Whether […]
Basics for College

Back-to-School Basics for College: How to Prepare Fall is fast approaching, and back-to-school sales are already underway, everywhere you look. If you’re sending your teenager to college for his or her first year, you’re going to need much more than just notebooks and pencils. Make sure your student is ready by following these guidelines. Plan […]
Kids Off To College? New Risks
Kids Off To College Kids Off To College? New Risks Computer Equipment Your son or daughter probably needs some new, expensive computer equipment. When they were in high school, they probably used a desk top computer, but they now have a laptop. Laptops, by the very nature of their portability, are much more susceptible to […]